Monday, June 25, 2007

Fourth of July Pet Safety Tips…

The Fourth of July can be very dangerous to your pets. Loud noises and sights may frighten them into running away, even breaking through barriers that, under normal conditions, would keep them restrained. This is the busiest day for Animal Control.

Protect your pet on the Fourth of July, take these precautions:

1. Keep your pets indoors while fireworks are being displayed in your area.

2. Make sure your pets are wearing identification tags so that if they do become lost, they can be returned promptly. Animals found running at-large should be taken to the local animal shelter, where they will have the best chance of being reunited with their owners.

3. If you know that your pet is seriously distressed by loud noises like thunder, consult with your veterinarian before July 4th for ways to help alleviate the fear and anxiety he or she will experience during fireworks displays.

4. Do not ride a horse during this time, unless you are extremely familiar with that individual animal. Horses can shy, jump fences, and bolt.

5. If you have a basement, you might want to keep your pet down there, with a radio or TV going to drown out the explosive noises.

6. Even if you are convinced your pet will do fine at a firework display, resist the temptation to take it.

7. Never approach someone else's pet during a fireworks display. A normally calm animal can snap and bite when scared.

8. Exercise your dog well before the display, so that they will sleep well.

9. Before you release your pet back into the yard, do a quick survey to make sure that there is nothing there to harm it, especially objects it might try to eat or swallow.

10. Never leave pets outside unattended, even in a fenced yard or on a chain. In their fear, pets who normally wouldn't leave the yard may escape and become lost, or become entangled in their chain, risking injury or death.

11. Do not leave your pet in the car. With only hot air to breathe inside a car, your pet can suffer serious health effects, even death, in a few short minutes. Partially opened windows do not provide sufficient air, but do provide an opportunity for your pet to be stolen.

Wishing You and Your Dog(s) A Safe and Fun 4th of July!

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